


1. 独特的环境设计


2. 专业的服务团队


3. 多样化的养生项目



1. 按摩


2. 拔罐


3. 刮痧


4. 足疗











1. 桑拿:桑拿是一种古老的养生方式,起源于芬兰。在杭州桑拿天地,你可以体验到正宗的芬兰桑拿、土耳其桑拿、日式桑拿等多种风格。桑拿可以帮助身体排出毒素,增强免疫力,缓解疲劳,对身体健康大有裨益。

2. 按摩:按摩是一种常见的养生方式,可以缓解肌肉疲劳,促进血液循环。在杭州桑拿天地,你可以享受到专业的按摩师为你提供全身按摩、足疗、头部按摩等服务,让你在忙碌的生活中找到片刻的宁静。

3. SPA:SPA是一种结合了水疗、香薰、按摩等多种养生方法的休闲方式。在杭州桑拿天地,你可以享受到专业的SPA师为你提供面部护理、身体护理、香薰护理等服务,让你在愉悦的氛围中焕发青春活力。

4. 茶艺:茶艺是我国的传统文化之一,具有养生、保健、提神等功能。在杭州桑拿天地,你可以品尝到正宗的西湖龙井、碧螺春等名茶,感受茶香四溢的美好时光。

5. 健身:健身是保持身体健康的重要方式。在杭州桑拿天地,设有专业的健身房,配备有跑步机、动感单车、哑铃等健身器材,让你在享受桑拿的同时,也能锻炼身体,提高身体素质。


1. 个性化服务:杭州桑拿天地根据不同顾客的需求,提供个性化的服务。无论是家庭聚会、朋友聚餐,还是商务洽谈,这里都能满足你的需求。

2. 专业团队:杭州桑拿天地拥有一支专业的服务团队,包括桑拿师、按摩师、SPA师等,他们具有丰富的经验和精湛的技艺,为顾客提供优质的服务。

3. 环保理念:杭州桑拿天地注重环保,采用环保材料装修,提供绿色、健康的养生环境。









1. 桑拿养生:中心采用先进的桑拿设备,提供多种桑拿方式,如干蒸、湿蒸、玉石蒸等。通过桑拿,可以促进血液循环,加速新陈代谢,达到养生的效果。

2. 茶艺馆:中心设有专业的茶艺馆,提供各类名茶供顾客品鉴。在这里,您可以与好友相聚,一边品茶一边聊天,享受悠闲时光。

3. 棋牌室:棋牌室环境优雅,设备齐全,是亲朋好友聚会的好去处。在这里,您可以尽情享受棋牌游戏的乐趣。

4. KTV包厢:中心设有多个KTV包厢,设备先进,音质效果一流。在这里,您可以尽情唱歌,释放压力。

5. 水疗中心:中心设有专业的水疗中心,提供多种水疗项目,如足浴、按摩、面部护理等。在这里,您可以放松身心,缓解疲劳。



1. 专业技师:中心拥有一批专业的技师团队,为顾客提供一对一的服务,确保每位顾客都能享受到贴心的服务。

2. 个性化定制:根据顾客需求,提供个性化定制服务,如定制水疗套餐、定制养生套餐等。

3. 会员制度:中心设有会员制度,会员可享受折扣优惠、积分兑换等福利。

4. 主题活动:定期举办各类主题活动,如养生讲座、茶艺表演、棋牌比赛等,丰富顾客的休闲生活。






1. 传承桑拿文化:余杭桑拿交流平台旨在传承我国悠久的桑拿文化,让更多人了解桑拿的历史、文化内涵以及养生保健作用。

2. 丰富市民生活:通过余杭桑拿交流平台,市民可以了解最新的桑拿资讯、养生知识,提高生活品质。

3. 促进桑拿产业发展:余杭桑拿交流平台可以带动桑拿产业的健康发展,为相关企业、商家提供宣传推广的渠道。

4. 加强交流与合作:余杭桑拿交流平台为桑拿爱好者提供了一个交流、合作的平台,有助于推动桑拿行业的发展。


1. 桑拿资讯:余杭桑拿交流平台提供桑拿行业动态、桑拿设备、桑拿技术等相关资讯,让市民了解桑拿行业的最新发展。

2. 养生保健:余杭桑拿交流平台分享桑拿养生保健知识,帮助市民正确使用桑拿,达到养生保健的目的。

3. 桑拿场所推荐:余杭桑拿交流平台根据市民需求,推荐优质的桑拿场所,让市民享受舒适的桑拿体验。

4. 桑拿活动:余杭桑拿交流平台举办各类桑拿活动,如桑拿知识讲座、桑拿比赛等,丰富市民的业余生活。

5. 用户互动:余杭桑拿交流平台鼓励用户发表观点、分享经验,促进桑拿爱好者的交流与合作。


1. 桑拿市场潜力巨大:随着人们对健康生活的关注,桑拿市场前景广阔,余杭桑拿交流平台有望成为桑拿行业的领军者。

2. 政策支持:我国政府对健康产业给予大力支持,余杭桑拿交流平台将借此机遇,实现快速发展。

3. 技术创新:余杭桑拿交流平台将不断引进新技术、新设备,为用户提供更优质的桑拿体验。

4. 用户体验:余杭桑拿交流平台注重用户体验,不断优化平台功能,提高用户满意度。


Meng Xi didn’t answer the phone.

"What do you think are the chances of success if we threaten Fu Zhenguo with Fu Zhen?" Wu Di asked bluntly
"There is little chance," Meng Xi replied without hesitation.
Wu Di know each other have something to say, there would be no word.
"Fu Zhenguo is a lieutenant general in the weekly seating, which can also rank among the top ten roles. In addition to Fu Zhen, there are a lot of soldiers who are worried about their family status and loyalty will hinder him." Meng Xi’s regulations clearly state that "you can’t hide the news that many people will contact Fu Zhen’s family, and then Chen’s behind-the-scenes move will be completely leaked. When the time comes, you will turn against Fu Zhenguo, which will also attract the attention of the weekly level, that is to say, you not only have to convince Fu Zhenguo, but also face Zhou Xingli and Xu Hancheng’s defense! Do you think this kind of thing has a high success rate? "
Wu Di was silent.
"The threat is that once Fu Zhenguo is angered, the effect will be counterproductive." Meng Xi continued, "If it’s not good, he will beat Chen more fiercely than anyone else."
Wu Di unconsciously nodded his head.
"What do you mean?" Ma laoer asked tentatively.
"Continue to arbitrage information in the set, and the unequal convenience conditions will continue to intensify the contradiction between Fu Zhenguo and the opposite side, so there is still a remedy." Meng Xi looked at Ma Laoer and said softly, "Now Xu is still in the dark. They don’t know what you are going to do, right?"
"Yes" Ma Laoer nodded along each other’s train of thought.
"You can make the fus nervous first …!" Meng Xi low blunt Ma Laoer confessed a few words.
About half an hour later
Lu Huai Fu Jia Fu Zhen’s mother Zack Zhang’s words suddenly rang. She opened her eyes in a daze and pressed the answer button. "Hello?"
"Your son is preparing a ransom of 5 million in my hand. I am linking you!" A cold male voice hung up the phone after saying a word.
Zack Zhang leng for two seconds, then he sat up and looked flustered. He called back one to the other party, but he lost his chance.
Zack Zhang’s heart thumped and immediately made a message, but the latter’s mobile phone was in the same state.
This Zack Zhang completely lost. She quickly got up and made a message directly to the Third Fleet Command.
After a while, I met the landline at the battleship Fu Zhenguo. "What’s the matter?"
"Lao Fu has an accident with our son. He has been kidnapped and the other party wants a ransom of five million …!" Zhang Yueyin trembling said 1
After more than two hours, Jiao Peng, who has returned to work, is preparing to watch the surveillance video of a wow card bar.
Just then, the leader of the second group quickly walked in and said, "There’s something unexpected at the Woka Bar in the local seat!"
"What’s the situation?" Jiao Peng looked up.
"… the police chief went to the bar to investigate where Fu Zhen, the son of Fu Zhen, was kidnapped." The military personnel immediately replied that "the bar owner contacted them and immediately called us."
"Fu Zhen was kidnapped? !” Jiao Peng incredibly up.
Fu Zhenguo’s right eyelid was pounding and his heart was agitated.
Meng Xi, a greenhouse in the experimental field, said to Ma Laoer, "You can ask me for advice, but don’t tell outsiders … I’m in a sensitive situation now, you know?"
"I understand that if things develop in a positive direction, I will immediately tell Commander Qin that it is your credit!"
"You’re a little inhuman …!"
Chapter DiErLiu bizarre kidnapping
Luhuai city in the seventh district

Jiao Fei is very satisfied with this and secretly feels that "whether it is time to refine the gas Dan?" It is easier for Dan to find Meng Da less when he becomes a real brother. "

There is no wind in the virtual world, but after many wars, the vitality of heaven and earth has been extremely disordered. Although these vitality will calm down in a short time, going there will also have a slight impact on these refiners’ manipulation of the vitality of heaven and earth. It is especially difficult for Jiao Fei to sit still and move in vain after such a war than to fly quickly.
Jiao Fei flew up with his mind, and he lost his Yuan Hong tactic to a higher level of mana. Yuan Hong tactic has also been refined into gas Dan, otherwise it can’t be simulated. Jiao Fei suddenly gave birth to a strange gravity. There seems to be a lot of stars in the starlight on Sunday that he touched and turned into thousands of stars, and the stars around Jiao Fei surged into a piece of Xinghai, which gathered together in Jiao Fei according to a metaphysical rule.
According to the Star Code, at this step, it will condense into a "star core" in the body, which can directly manipulate the nine-day star power. In fact, although it is wonderful, it is different from the essence of the door then. The Star Code and the Tianhe Sword School are generally different in cultivating star power and five elements of magic. Jiao Fei has never tried this kind of tactic, but it is not difficult to simulate the Star Code Dan into a trillion with his heart higher than two realms.
Jiao Fei is even more interested in doubling the brilliance of this weather. It seems that it is not Dan Chengyi but also two or three. He has already attracted enough attention. At this time, his attention is ten times more.
Jiao Fei’s "refining qi and becoming immortal" is hooked away from the sky, but it blooms in a circle of colorful broken crystals outside Jiao Fei’s body. Generally, Guanghua sets Jiao Fei off like a cult leader, and Jiao Fei stays in a virtual distance outside the country, which is very high. This show is to let less than half of the main stars see clearly and know that someone is "refining qi and becoming immortal", and some people are successful.
Jiao Fei’s feet are full of stars, and his head is hanging from the sky. He also has some wry smiles in his heart. Because in a short time, he has drawn up "refining gas and becoming a success" twice, once in the two black dragon schools in Zuobi, and once is this time.
Jiao Fei’s side only "refined gas Dan Cheng" has a white light flying from the square star. This white light falls in front of Jiao Fei’s eyes and turns into a symbol. An old sound is written out, and when it is launched, it resounds through the whole star. The mana is higher than Jiao Fei’s.
"The novice brother, Taoist Tai Su, can make a temporary breakthrough in refining gas in a large array. It is gratifying to be a model for all my brothers. I commend you for allowing you to join Elder Ye Shiguang’s door and be promoted to be a true brother."
"It’s the owner’s real character … this man is really lucky to be able to worship the door of the elders of the Yuan God … who is this Tai Su Taoist? I haven’t heard of it … It seems to be the Taoist couple of the teacher elder sister Xiao Fang … You see that he still has this magic weapon of leaving the sky, even if he has recognized the Lord … "
Many remarks have been made in succession, and the Tianchen Sect leader, the real person, wrote a letter to announce the Sect at this time. If Jiao Fei is famous for a moment, it will be well known that Jiao Fei took over the Sect leader’s letter and said, "My brother Tai Su will do whatever it takes to teach the real person."
This time, Tianchen Sect was attacked by overseas monty, and millions of monty were under siege. This pressure made many brothers who were not good at cultivation and were not good at heart feel desperate. It was also through this that the real leader of Tianchen Sect encouraged everyone to lose their courage in attacking Monty Sect.
However, Jiao Fei has gained great benefits. Although he is not rare for Ye Shiguang’s advice, after all, although he seems to be a star-studded mana, he has no half of the star-studded Taoism. It is still the bottom of the Tianhe Sword Sect. However, with an elder of the Yuan God as a teacher, Jiao Fei’s position in Tianchen Sect will be higher than that of the ordinary true brother, and he can almost compete with the true brother in the seventh floor of refining gas.
Jiao Fei received the letter from the operator and sent it to the hook away from Tianyi, laughing and shaking the fields, showing his doubts.
Suddenly, there is a group of foreign monty who seem to be angered by Jiao Fei’s almost provocative behavior. This group of foreign monty is shaped like a long steel plate, which is densely packed on one side of the shell. When this group of foreign monty is spliced together, it forms a star shuttle object.
But this star shuttle is too huge, nearly 100 thousand. This monty is about 500 miles long and 70 miles thick, and the whole body is flushed with a black light and flies towards the main star.
"hey! What kind of demon is this? Is it a star armored beast? "
If this group of demons and lich kings are also refined, the immortal body will turn around in Jiaofei, of course, and run away without following the light. Its front has just been almost brushed back by Linglong Demon, and it is still fresh in my memory.
But this group of stars armored beast lich king is just equivalent to refining gas seventh floor Daoji realm Jiaofei and Jianliexinxi secretly feel, "If this kind of demon receives the demons’ big curse, it needs a little sacrifice and refining, so it can be the fastest way to fly in the domain of alien …"
Jiao Fei shook the hook away from the sky and turned it into a crystal aperture with a diameter of more than 100 miles. He refused to avoid this hook away from God with a single palm and a few tiny virtual fragments shining for a long time. He flew up and greeted the shuttle transformed by the group of stars and armored beasts.
Jiao Fei was so reckless that even Tianchen sent the elders of Yuan God to stop him. He saw Jiao Fei’s platform hook away from the sky and the star shuttle composed of 100,000 stars and armored beasts collided abruptly, but this hard impact did not produce vitality and even no interest. The star shuttle with a length of 500 miles and a thickness of 70 miles was swallowed up by the aperture of God.
But Jiao Fei also disappeared at the same time, leaving a Fiona Fang thyme colorful broken crystal-like aperture shrinking and expanding. Colorful glow took turns to replace it, and it also issued a whoop. Obviously, it was impossible to suppress the 100,000 star armored beasts, which are working together to burst this magic weapon.
Follow focus flew together to suppress one side, Tian Ye Tianpeng saw this thrilling scene and couldn’t help secretly complaining about "This Tai Su teacher younger brother is really too bold to dare to fight with a group of hundreds of tribal extraterritorial monty by virtue of his just refining gas Dan Chengxiu?" Even if he has a hook from the sky in his hand, he is not too arrogant and arrogant … "
That circle of colorful broken crystal-like light whatever it sweeps is a blow to smash the remains of monty’s bones outside the territory. The original stardust resin can’t stop this spell of hooking away from God’s aperture 2.
Tianchen sent you elders who don’t know how to go to the rescue and stay put. Those foreign monty have never seen such a bully and clamor, and they won’t intervene anyway. No matter who dies, they won’t let the foreign monty move a little.
Jiao Fei himself broke into the hook from the sky, and he also knew that it would never be possible to drop the 100,000-star armored beast with the hook from the sky, but he still had the big curse of demons and the too-empty robe. Even when he was hooked from the sky, the master of Yuan God could not see what he was doing, so Jiao Fei had the courage to show his true mana.
Jiao Fei attached dozens of large arrays to the armor of hundreds of stars, and slowly refined them. There was a need to curb the changes of the armor of hundreds of stars. The magic spell was like a virtual shadow, and the hole did not invade into it. Although the armor of hundreds of stars has been able to resist the magic spell and invade the same kind of enemies, it has been overwhelmed and the magic spell has just been refined. There are enough monty in all directions to prevent this group of stars and armor.
Jiao Fei is still afraid that these 100,000 stars and armored beasts will break free, and now a star-studded dragon lock will fly out overhead. It is thick, long and big, which is not the same when Jiao Fei’s urging power is more hidden than his mana.
This 100,000-star armored beast was added with a heavy lock by this star-studded dragon lock when it was really useless to display …
Chapter 30 Dry Kun Star Shuttle
The Star Armored Beast is also quite rare among monty outside the territory. There will be a group of monty no matter where it is.
They also have a natural magical power, that is, they are embedded in the star shuttle. If the magic power is extremely high, the demon king can still survive, but this group of stars, armored beasts and demon kings have to refine their qi. Although the power of the star shuttle is not lost to the real magic weapon, it is still in most virtual magic weapons. After all, this is a magic weapon composed of 100,000 foreign monty demons, but it is inferior to the subtle manipulation of magic power.
This is also the reason why these 100,000 demons will be bumped into the root of the sky by Jiao Fei. If you change a magic weapon manipulated by the master of Yuan God, you can change it and break free from the attraction of the aperture of the God.
Jiao Fei refined 10% or 20% of the star armored beast, and then he suddenly gave birth to an idea. He felt a little surprised. His mind was slightly tempted by the magic spell, and he changed at will. Instead of absorbing mana, he killed these foreign monty spirits. When the transformation of these foreign monty spirits took some time, once Jiao Fei failed to figure out the magic power of these foreign demons, the death rate of the star armored beast soared.
There are also the King Beast and several armored beasts around the King Beast, which are equivalent to refining gas and becoming stars. They have resisted for a while, but they have supported the bombardment of the demons’ curse for a while, so they are stunned.
Jiao Fei immediately took back the magic spell and refused to leave it. Then he sacrificed the small and medium-sized Gankun boundary array in the Taixu robe to the armored beast community that was still condensed into a huge star shuttle with a length of 500 miles.
Jiao Fei can feel that Xiao Gankun, who has broken the cocoon and reorganized into a new level, has a harmonious relationship with these stars and armored beasts who have lost their lives, and Xiao Gankun has reactivated the magical powers of these stars and armored beasts.
"Sure enough, the natural magical power of these stars and armored beasts is this small dry Kun world."
Jiao Fei had already detected these stars and armored beasts when he manipulated the big curse of demons to pollute them. At this moment, he tried to guess with himself that the mana of the small dry-Kun world has been completely integrated with this group of stars and armored beasts that have been destroyed. The small dry-Kun world has won 100,000 stars and armored beasts, and if the large array body can be dispersed into more than 100,000 concrete and tiny arrays, these stars and armored beasts will be manipulated by the small dry-Kun world.
"Yes, yes, these stars have a specific and slightly small Gankun boundary array, but most of them have three or four layers of character arrays, and only five layers of character arrays can cultivate six character arrays, but nine heads and seven layers of character arrays have the head of the king beast … It seems that Taixuan Zhang-in-law made this kind of law at the beginning by referring to the two spells of stars and armored beasts in monty outside the country."
In the future, if one of these star armored beasts is refined, it will not die. The power of the star shuttle composed of this group of star armored beasts will far exceed the general magic weapon. The original king beast is just equivalent to refining the gas. Although it is also a power theory, it can’t compare with the real magic weapon.
But this time, Jiao Fei and Xiao Gankun replaced the king beast, and after re-refining, more than 100,000 star armored beasts suddenly gave birth to strange changes. With the disintegration and reorganization of Xiao Gankun, it became a silver star shuttle that was slightly smaller than the original, but it was also 300 miles long and 50 or 60 miles thick.
Too is also can’t believe this kind of change rarely appeared beside JiaoFei surprised to look at this newly changed star shuttle focusing fly and said, "Sir, it’s no wonder that too has always felt afraid because it turned out to be naked. This 36-seat large array should correspond to 36 kinds of foreign monty changes out of 36 kinds of magic weapons … Sir, can you help too find 35 pieces of clothes again? Then people won’t be afraid! I’m not afraid of the two bad guys, Xing and Monty, to scare me. "
"Thirty-five pieces?"
Jiao Fei heard some dumbfounded, but on second thought, he also felt that it was not impossible. He repeatedly thought about the other 35 kinds of magic circles in the false robes, but he couldn’t find out how these magic circles corresponded to what extraterritorial monty could refine.
"No wonder I have heard that there is a magic weapon called Taiyi Tiandun Yin and Yang Jian. It seems that Taiyi Tiandun Yin and Yang Array can turn this treasure into something in the future to find monty to make Taiyi Tiandun Yin and Yang Array look like this? Hundred-eyed evil dragon? Impossible, exquisite demon? Don’t like … The moments of colorful butterfly needless to say "
No matter how the power of the robe of Taixu suddenly increased, Jiao Fei was also very happy that the world of Xiaogan Kunjie had merged more than 100,000 stars and armored beasts, which could be transformed into Gankun Star Shuttle. This magic weapon is stronger than Taizhou and three times faster than Taizhou’s flight speed. After all, Taizhou’s body is not a magic weapon, but it is a magic weapon before it is taken over by Xuanyao Taoist.
However, the Taixu robe is a genuine series of small dry kunjie, and it has also been sacrificed to the core of the 11-layer symbol array of small dry kunjie. The power of more than 100,000 star armored beast parts of dry kunjie is firmly based on the peak of the real series, and these star armored beasts have been activated by the small dry kunjie. If they are resurrected, the original memory soul will be gone, but they can still reproduce. Even if they are hit indelibly, they can recover from devouring monty or self-cultivation.
"It’s no wonder that father-in-law Tai Xuan can stay firmly among the ten ancestors of the Gate."
Jiao Fei secretly praised him for not continuing to wave his brains. He brushed the big sleeve and put away the newly refined shuttle of Kun stars. He still turned into a large array and flew into the robe of Taixu. However, the power of this small dry-Kun boundary array is three points more powerful than the original one. Jiao Fei can feel that the opponent is so powerful when he meets the six-winged golden cicada, the stars and the armored beast. It is enough to suppress it with the small dry-Kun boundary.
In the past, I was hooked by my income, and the monty was polluted by the magic spell. Although I was able to throw my teeth around in the paradise created by the hook, I was already controlled by Jiao Fei. It was just a shell.
Tianchen School and the monty outside the territory saw that the colorful crystal rainbow was constantly changing and shining for seven hours, and then suddenly it faded. Just after everyone was finished with Jiao Fei, it was a shocking shock. A pale face and shaking hands held a hook away from the sky. The young Taoist priest appeared in the middle of the day. Jiao Fei deliberately made a mysterious hook away from the sky and went straight to Ye Tianpeng. He flew past Jiao Fei recently and took this "teacher younger brother" in his hand.
Although Tianchen sent people full of doubts, I don’t know what Jiao Fei did. He actually refined more than 100,000 stars and armored beasts together. It is not without such power, but it takes several elders of Yuan Shen series to make moves. This is very sure. Jiao Fei is just a brother who has just refined gas and can even become a brother. Where did you get such earth magic?
However, Jiao Fei’s sad return to the field also made people have a mind to ask him at this time.
Ye Tianpeng also generally sent Jiao Fei back to Xiaofang’s abode of fairies and immortals, still going to meet the monty outside the territory and didn’t stay too long.
Jiao Fei smiled when he saw the people near him. "Meng Shaoshao, you should come out!"
Meng Kuanyi stepped out of the void with a long laugh and watched Ye Tianpeng fly in the direction of hiding. He said, "It’s good luck for Jiao Gang to steal a magic weapon and get a good Tianchen to send a female brother to warm the bed. I don’t have that much benefit. Although I also got a girl, Yuan Yi’s girl is too fierce. You didn’t get this and sent a magic weapon so badly."

After the black fog absorbs the energy of the red giant ant shell, it rises like a cloud of black smoke, spreads and weakens, and finally disperses in the air.

There are patches of red giant ant shells ringing.
The wind leans but looks around, and there are more than 100 red giant ants in the team, which are approaching quickly from head to tail.
Obviously, this is the team that just broke up the expedition and retreated to the lair of the sinkhole after re-integration.
The wind rushed over and fell in the most Wu, instantly releasing a large area of black fog power to cover the past along the red giant ant team.
When the red giant ants were in a mess, they quickly fled around.
The wind fell in hot pursuit, and the poisoned way just now came after the past.
Poisoning is much easier than whole absorption. A wisp of black fog bounces to the crack of the red giant ant’s shell. The red giant ant immediately rolls around in pain and convulses. She turns over more than 100 red giant ants like poison, that is, she plays more than 100 fingers.
At first, she stuck to the shell of the red giant ant and gradually became proficient. After that, she could accurately bomb the black fog into the interface of the shell of the red giant ant every three or four meters.
If there is a red distance to escape, she will chase and jump. In Zhongling, she will snap a finger at the crack of the red giant ant’s shell. The red giant ant will struggle for less than one meter and die quickly in just two or three minutes.
The wind leans over the red giant ants and quickly picks up the red crystal in the shell of the red giant ants.
Soon she couldn’t hold it in her palm, and she picked up a red giant ant breast shell as a basket to hold the crystal of red giant ant power.
She picked more than half of it, but she didn’t finish it. Suddenly, she heard a red giant ant coming to listen to it. It was still a big team. She estimated that all the escapes were in this team.
The wind suddenly got up and didn’t wait long to see a red giant ant team climb to her mountain.
When she saw the red giant ant, the red giant ant also saw her, and her red giant ant team was far away.
The leading red giant ant is twice as big as the ordinary red giant ant, and it is not only as powerful as a battle-hardened general.
Her red giant ants are about 500 meters apart. The generals are on the top of the hill. She looks up at each other on the slope.
General Red Giant Ant has a pair of red eyes like little lanterns.
She can see her reflection in those eyes. Her reflection in those eyes is a little strange. The whole body is black and twisted, unlike a human figure. This black fog is diffuse and human-shaped. It is so dense that it can’t see the shape. Outside, there is a faint light that the plants around her are green. The brighter the color, the weaker it is. It is all different shapes and contours.
The wind suddenly turns white. What red giant ants can find themselves?
It’s hard not to see such a big black fog among the green bushes.
In the eyes of the red giant ant general, she holds a red giant ant chest shell in her left hand. There are many red giant ant power crystals in the chest shell. These power crystals emerge in a bleeding color. This effect is like seeing more than 100 companion bodies piled up.
The wind inclined to look at the eye pupil of the red giant ant, and I thought it was quite scary.
She looked around her again, and the red giant ants died miserably. There were not many places littered with red giant ants’ bodies, and the ground was covered with traces of their struggle before they died. It could look shocking like a purgatory or a cemetery.
This red giant ant expeditionary force reacted quickly. They changed from vertical arrangement to horizontal arrangement, and fled to the tiankeng at the fastest speed every few tens of meters.
General Red Giant Ant is the first to rush towards the wind.
It is followed by a group of red giant ants, which are bigger than other red giant ants and more fierce.
This is the red giant ant general who brought his hand to stall her and let the rest of the red giant ants want to cross her blockade and escape back to the ant nest
The wind suddenly created such a terrible massacre of the Red Giant Ant Expeditionary Force, but the shocking effect was that they did not find the wind camp, but the wind suddenly saw that they could not stop so many and crossed the blockade, so the Red Giant Ant did not stop.
She put the crystal chest shell with the red giant ant power and killed it at the biggest red giant ant general.
When she was still three or four meters away from General Red Giant Ant, she performed her magic of snapping fingers.
In the face of such a mighty and desperate general, she dare not be careless. She opened her fingers and popped up ten wisps of black fog at the same time, bouncing it at its eyes, mouth, legs and cracks in the head and shell.
When ten wisps of black fog bombs flew by, she was covered with black fog, and at the same time, the red giant ant was wrapped in the black fog, which was like sticky glue and instantly stuck to it. Ten wisps of black fog went into it along its weak point.
The general red giant ant fell heavily to the ground, but the wind tilted, and then a ling climbed over and kicked it behind the general red giant ant and came at her. The red giant ant kicked it out and flew its companion at the same time.
She jumped to the ground and rose tens of meters high, jumping out of this red giant ant team with one step and killing it back with a comeback.
She quickly popped up the black fog because it was moving at a high speed and it was difficult to bounce accurately, so she bounced it at the eye and mouth, which were more eye-catching and weak points
A little while, this dozen red giant ant death squads fell to the ground.
Feng Qing wanted to catch Liu Che alive and do experiments, but she thought that she would leave footprints along the way and flee back to the red giant ants.
Red giant ants will be hunted by her at any time if they don’t want to be scared day and night, and they will definitely be sent out to kill her again on the day of hunting.
It’s not far from the camp of the wind department. If the red giant ants are out between people, the consequences will be unimaginable.
The wind inclined but did not dare to delay, and hastily picked up the shell of the red giant ant, and the black fog melted it from beginning to end, making sure that there was no smell left on its surface for other red giant ants to track.
She was worried that the power crystal in the ant shell would fall out and dig out a few handfuls of mud from the ground to cover the earth on the power crystal surface, then cover the surface with several layers of leaves, and then extract the fibers from the vines, simply knead them into ropes and bind them firmly, so that the ant shell was ready to drive back.
She didn’t dare to go back from the original road, but went around where there was a stream, and jumped to the other side from the fastest and most dangerous place by stepping on branches.
Red giant ants can’t swim, even if they chase here, they want to hug each other and cross the water with a drop of nearly 100 meters. The rapid current and rugged rocks can scatter them, and there are several dangerous aquatic animals in the water. They want to cross unless they flee to the ground.
I’m really not worried about the wind in the escape.
There is a black fog to blame the ancestors. They dare to deal with her in they nest, but if they meet the land, it is estimated that all the people are annihilated. For the IQ of red giant ants, they have to withdraw when they smell the ancestors from a distance.
Her only worry was that they followed her, leaving traces behind.
When the wind came to the canyon, she didn’t even let the slightest difference out. She killed a wild animal by brute force. She tore the skin from the body of the wild animal and smoked the plant fiber. The black fog melted the fur of the wild animal and the fat on the meridian. Three or two pieces were made into sleeves, and the fur was worn around her waist. She made a long skirt around her waist. Her skirt was tightly wrapped, so she saved pants. The fur was so dirty and it was not processed that there was no way to make pants.
She wrapped animal skins around her feet to make simple shoes, and then ran back by sheer physical strength.
She crossed two streams and several undulating mountains and finally returned to the wind camp.
At first glance, the patrol and sentry saw the red giant ants in rough skins, but they didn’t recognize the wind. The sentry shouted, "Who lives there?"
When the wind swept away, the whistle on her neck, which was specially designed to represent her identity, was gone, and she replied, "It was my wind that swept away."
The patrol came here indecisively to see it. It was really windy, but they were all a little dumbfounded and then saluted respectfully.
The wind waved and said, "Keep patrolling and be alert" and went towards the camp again.
When a guard at the gate of the camp saw her coming back in an animal skin, she immediately put an arrow on the string.
The wind showed his face again, and he went straight to his tent across the red giant ant shell.
Before she got to the big tent, she heard all the birds "chirping" and called Liu Che to say, "You idiot, you’re not authentic. Do you know what favoritism means? Just like you, it is also a worship to treat you differently … "
The wind leans but listens to Liuche sound to the door of the tent and then stops.
The wind department of her tent is full of debris and fly ash, and a lot of exotic weapons are piled up next to it. There are also scales of exotic animals and a lot of bone materials next to it. All the birds are burying their heads in eating and raising their hair from time to time to make a call.
At first, Liu Che was startled when he saw the wind coming back from fleeing, and cried, "How did the wind fall … like this?"

The rope was thrown to the Pearl, and a large number of Sichuan soldiers boarded the ship!

Chapter 251 A knife to seal the throat is the end of fate
Why didn’t Zhou Yuanzheng choose to surrender when he was on the bridge?
Why did Zhou Yuanzheng still have no choice but to be soft when he was in danger several times during the chaos in the guard room?
Because at that time, he felt that he still had a chance and Zhou Zhou would rescue him at all costs, but after everyone entered the central cabin, the 5 frigate shot completely broke all his hopes.
The layer is not ready to save him, but to get rid of him and regain control of the fleet, so that those generals who are worried about his safety are forced to choose positions
The most important thing is that the attitude of Sichuan government is also very obvious. Ma Laoer and others would rather die than let him go. He is not prepared to negotiate again. Zhou Yuanzheng completely knows that he can’t run away, so there is only one way to surrender in the end. If the fleet can give Sichuan government, then he and his generals may still have a chance.
In this matter, Zhou Xingli’s decision is also very initial. The evacuation of millions of people’s congresses has completely declared Zhou’s failure in the land battlefield. If he is willing to take the initiative to pay the price to cede some warships of the southern fleet according to Li Bokang’s suggestion, the situation may not be like this.
But Lao Zhou was unwilling, and he didn’t want to be soft on Qinyu District. At the last moment, like a gambler, he didn’t admit that Zhou failed and didn’t choose peace talks, which caused this situation. This is the same as the original battlefield of the Kuomintang in the northeast battlefield. They believed that the failure of the frontal battlefield was caused by many reasons rather than the strong opponent.
In the end, this gambler-like idea also brought harm to the whole body. In other words, from the moment Zhou Yuanzheng was captured, Zhou Xingli had no choice. He wanted to protect Zhou Yuanzheng, but could he keep it after everyone was arrested? But he can’t guarantee that the admiral of Zhou Yuanzheng will be chilling and your fleet will be out of control!
Zhou Xingli didn’t regret it. Maybe no one knows, but the price before Zhou left must be painful!
Around the main ship of the Pearl, the small white troops from Shandong have boarded the ship, and Zhou Yuanzheng finally surrendered and shouted, which also made many generals of the southern fleet completely give up their resistance
There is an army in Junlu District above the head, and it is also timely for the main force of the joint forces outside Luhuai to rush into the port. The problem is that the patrol fleet in southern Canada is outside the support scope of the two major EU fleets. If you don’t surrender, the final result may not only be a dead duck, but you will end up with a reckless officer. But there may be a chance to surrender.
For comprehensive reasons, the main fleet of southern China chose silence in the face of the allied forces overhead, which also made the boarding of the small white troops a little smoother.
At present, the main ship of the Pearl is the team of Zhang Tian. Zhou Yuanzheng was not killed by a gun and announced his surrender. After that, they were sold by other main warships of Zhou and became solitary in the ship for minutes.
Obviously, Zhang Tian and others have no choice at this time!
Deck Zhangtian shouted with communication equipment, "Listen to me, it’s hard to get out now! Because of the attitude of the other warships, we have no idea that there are enemy troops outside the Pearl! The only way for us now is to continue to attack and control the people in the central cabin and arrest the Chuanfu people. There may be room for manoeuvre. If we can get Zhou Yuanzheng back or kill him, it may also affect the decision-making of other warships! Soldiers around the ship listen, we have no choice but to rush in! "
"Everyone, there are not many people in the central cabin!" Blue eyes also immediately responded to the sentence.
"Received the cooperation of our aviation department!" Hangchang also replied.
"Rush! !”
Zhang Tian immediately waved his hand after reaching the order on the deck to signal the special warfare players to infiltrate at the gap.
"Dadada …!"
At this moment, seven figures suddenly appeared in the gap. The central cabin was left with Ma Laoer Lin Chengdong, a military personnel of Sichuan government, and others were covered in blood and shot wildly at the periphery with guns.
Blue eyes in the recreation room took a group of brothers to be strong, but they were held back by Xiao Qi and others. The two sides held a fierce gun battle in the corridor.
"Support! ! !”
Lin chengdong was stuck in the explosion gap, shooting into the sky and waving his hand at the enemy annihilation machine.
The low dive fighters circled and continued to fire at the enemy on the deck!
"Fuck you! ! How long before backup arrives? !” Ma laoer stared at his eyes and shouted
The words sound just fell and braved the gunfire. Small white soldiers have also climbed up from the sea with ropes!
Sichuan soldiers quickly gathered in the periphery and pushed to the inside while yelling at the deck Pearl fighter, "Don’t kill if you hand in your gun!" !”
"squat! !”
Calling out the main ship in all directions, many soldiers and workers became confused and scared after seeing a large number of Sichuan troops boarding the ship!
The leaders ran to Xiadao several times, and the commander was also arrested. Do you really want to fight this life? Is this sacrifice really meaningful?
"Dadada …!"
Guns roared for many weeks, and soldiers raised their hands and knelt down to surrender after being confused!
Support keeps shooting at the enemy gathering place on the deck. Zhang Tian and others pose no threat to the fighter after their weapons are equipped. After several fires, the attack can be directly interrupted and they can retreat!
At this moment, Ma Laoer Fu Zhenlin Chengdong and others rushed out from the explosion gap and chased Zhang Tian back into the forecastle position. Less than two minutes later, the ammunition of Zhang Tian and others was almost consumed.
Ma Laoer directly pulled out the army thorn and gnashed his teeth and roared, "Always cut his head off with your own hands!"
"You are the director also you begin? !” Fu Zhen directly stopped him, glared at his eyes and shouted, "I’ll do it!"
At the same time, six military personnel rushed to the forecastle with explosion-proof shields, and the other side made grenades, C4 and other weapons choose suicide attacks!
A room full of blood and explosive waste, Zhang Tian’s palm trembled slightly, and he took the walkie-talkie and shouted to the main channel, "… Li … Li Ge … I’m sorry that you gave me work, I may not be able to finish it … I … I can’t get out."
"Chapter day! Zhang Tian! " Li Bokang yelled, but the other party didn’t respond.
The outdoor gun exploded and six special warfare players rushed into the corridor to solve the problem of guarding the special warfare players at the door!
"Dadada …!" Zhang Tian was blocked in the back room. After a few rounds of automatic rifle shooting, the gun was completely empty, but he was not a suicide man who would choose to take the road, but directly took out the army thorn and hid it on the side of the entrance wall. He also hated the people of Sichuan House, and many of his brothers died in each other’s hands.
A figure jumped into the room from the outside, suddenly squatted down and got up with a knife and ran directly to the other side.
Fu Zhen’s arm was scratched, but at the same time he was shot sideways.
Chapter day arm blood side step back.
Fu Zhen stopped to see that he had no gun in his hand and then directly inserted the pistol into the holster and pulled out the army thorn.
Instant horse second Lin Chengdong and others rushed into the room.
Chapter day coldly looking at all shaking a neck immediately stepped away.
Fu Zhen looked up and kicked in Zhang Tian’s wrist, and after throwing a knife in the latter, he changed his right hand to his left hand and ran directly to Fu Zhen’s rib!
They are very close to each other. Fu Zhen can’t dodge and react very quickly. His left hand pushes a bulletproof vest on his chest.
Bullet-proof vest is pushed out of position!

After this war, no one will ever question the power of Jade Duxiu, regardless of this number of souls. The nether world said, "Black and white always opens the channels of Yin and Yang and turns it into the middle of reincarnation. The nether world doesn’t know what tricks Hung-chun is going to play now."

The netherworld leads the netherworld strong to turn around, and the netherworld just sees Jade’s unique palm crumble good and evil, and then grabs the source of good and evil and stuffs it into the lock demon tower.
"Hung-chun’s nether world is the king’s territory. Don’t be presumptuous!" The netherworld’s wife, a pike, flashed with vitality and died in the direction of Jade Duxiu.
"In the nether world, this small force seems to be blessed by the nether world. It is really mysterious that the avatar power is several times larger." Jade Duxiu held a treasure of good and evil in one hand and a lock demon tower in the other, facing the attack of the nether world, she had no choice but to throw out good and evil and carry her hands in the land of reincarnation.
"Samsara is the root of Buddhism. If there is samsara, there will be a revival of Buddhism." Yu Duxiu looked at the opposite lady Yin. "It’s only a hundred years since you destroyed Lingshan, and there will still be a Lingshan in the future."
"Bastard!" Ghost brake gnashes her teeth. "The law of resonance between heaven and earth suppresses!"
The law of heaven and earth in the nether world is constantly shaking, and it seems that the jade show will be channelized.
This trick is the killer of the ghost master and the nether world. No matter how many enemies there are in the nether world, they will flee in a hurry if they want to use this trick.
No one can resist the will of the world. If you don’t want to stay in the underworld forever, you’d better get out at once.
"The law of resonance? My palm dry Kun reason is the same. "Jade Duxiu fingers stretched out the blade bright rule was instantly cut off. The six great divisions in the wheel of karma’s nether world was separated from the nether world and was no longer disturbed by the law resonance.
"Great!" The ghost brake instantly changed color. "I didn’t expect you to reach such a state now. It’s incredible!"
"I’m not an opponent in this world." Jade Duxiu looked at Ghost Brake. "What other tricks are there?"
"I don’t know if you dare to walk out of the reincarnation." Ghost Brake looked at Jade Duxiu. He wanted to occupy The six great divisions in the wheel of karma instead of destroying The six great divisions in the wheel of karma.
The consequences of destroying the Six Roads are too great for anyone to bear, even Jade Duxiu.
Look at the Yangshi War, and then look at the face with a smug goat. Jade Duxiu is suddenly gloomy. "Lingshan can’t be saved. The ancestors have already entered Lingshan. How can it be called Lingshan for good reasons? Even if Amitabha’s demon god comes and there are twelve fiends making trouble, this Buddhist Lingshan can’t be saved."
Jade Duxiu saw clearly that Mrs. Bai Yin Si smiled. "Not necessarily, if you join hands with the demon god and Buddha, you may not be able to hold Lingshan."
Just then, suddenly a bolt from the blue sounded, and then the overwhelming ghosts’ squeezed’ into the nether world, adding a lot of vitality to the nether world in an instant, and there were overwhelming ghosts everywhere.
"Pure land is finished" Jade Duxiu Nai sighed "Amitabha will not let you go if you do good deeds in the netherworld"
"The loss of Amitabha Avenue, the pure land of Lingshan, is the root cause. It would be nice if Amitabha could keep the fruit. In those days, Amitabha took the tricky road and made 40 great wishes. Now what goes around comes around." The Hunger came out in the blood and stood beside Yudu.
"I’m worried that it’s just that the Buddhist Avenue is too ethereal. This time, it’s just with the help of you and other means to find a perfect way." Jade Duxiu took a look at The Hunger. "When you go to Yangshi to help Buddhism, you can delay a little, it’s one o’clock. Amitabha SIRS demon gods will soon come back from chaos."
The Hunger did a ceremony to look at The Hunger’s back and Yu Duxiu sighed gently. "If ginger is still great, it’s a diversion, but this time it’s enough for these old guys to be distressed by the Terran wreck."
Chapter 2231 Collapse the Pure Land
A loud noise shook the Buddhist sacred land and the pure land was finally broken.
Even with the participation of The Hunger, it is still a moth to put out the fire, and a drop in the bucket can’t change the situation.
Amitabha, after all, all the demon gods are one step late. They have just entered the barrier of the world and watched all the godfathers Pi Weili blow up the pure land in Lingshan, and the pure land world is crumbling and disappearing little by little.
Amitabha revealed that the golden body would be torn apart in an instant, and the pure land was collected in his golden body. A pair of eyes calmly looked at the past, present, future and empathy of all the godfathers. I already knew that the result was nothing to be sad about, but it was unprecedented calm.
All the godfathers were waving their clothes in the virtual storm, watching them rush to Amitabha, the demon god.
Seeing Amitabha’s calm expression, the patriarchs have no confidence.
The sacred land was broken, and Fangling Mountain suffered from the shock of the wave, and it completely dissipated. In the living Lingshan, there are different Buddhist monks.
Jade Duxiu took a deep breath and took a look at the nether world too slowly and walked out of the nether world.
The nether world is the main site of the ghost brake ghost. It was hard to resist the nether world before Jade Duxiu cracked the resonance between heaven and earth. Now it is impossible to resist it.
Amitabha’s face was calm, and he read the truth in his mouth and turned over the dead Buddhist brother.
"Aren’t we going too far?" Looking at miserable Lingshan at this time, the river of blood has long gone, and some of the ancestors who used to be sacred and too fighting could not help but say
The ancestors didn’t speak for a while before they listened to the ancestral way of Taiyi Jiao. "The Buddhist position doesn’t accept all heresies in the sky, and it’s outrageous to think about encroaching on my Terran beliefs to become those heresies. This time, we will be right to launch a thunderous means! Terran interests are not alien! "

But anyway, money.

Just go up to the advanced life and death fighting field first.
In fact, there are new abilities and great changes in other skills. For example, the range of advanced reinforcement can be strengthened more than before.
Yu Yishu’s words are not a big problem except that they can’t be easily transformed into small birds or small creatures.
This is really beyond the understanding of many occult sciences.
However, after Yang Guang upgraded the operation method, it is natural to know that these collars have some changes and have to grope slowly.
There is also Yang Guang’s invisible knife-shaped mark once again when he achieved the senior Wu Zong, which is from Jack nife Zongcheng’s mark.
Perhaps the so-called knife meaning should have an answer in it.
But not now.
Then Yang Guang put away the array flag, and put the Lingshi, which has consumed most of the energy, into the object. The Lingshi pure aura placed in the array eyes has been almost consumed.
But it’s still a little bit later. Yang Guang can also use it to decorate advanced law.
And those who are motivated by a military commander Yang Guang don’t know.
Although I didn’t intend to punish them, I didn’t intend to let them out.
Anyway, it won’t be many days before the simple magic array will fall apart, and it’s not a big lesson for those people
Chapter four hundred and seventy Flying
Yang guang conveniently arranged magic array to trap military commanders, which is quite powerful.
However, the magic array at the entrance of Tiger Cave is not flawed for Yang Guang, who has advanced array magic, but he can’t be stumped at all. What’s worse, the so-called magic array is also a relatively junior arrangement.
Even Zhang Zong, the Tianshifu, who knows the law, can be defeated when he was a child.
Even if his realm is a war of arms.
The array method does not care about repair, but depends on things.
Yang guang from out of the tiger hole that MoWuJiang finished not found Yang guang still groping in the magic array.
"Shout" He took a long breath, and a real yuan seemed to be out of control, which blasted a tree in front of him and lit up the darkness in front of him. He only looked up and found that it was already dark at this time.
During these days in Tiger Cave, Yang Guang has no darkness and no krypton hardening, and then he will continue after a short rest.
From limb bones to trunk bones to skull.
Step by step
But walking is very steady.
Yang guang is still very happy to have achieved today.
But once people are happy, they will feel that the whole world is lovely together.
Those little things that grow in the forest are singing there, accompanied by the growl of some wild animals coming from the distant mountains, which adds color to the lonely mountains and makes Yang Guang feel more comfortable.
Darkness is so-called visible to Yang Guang.
What’s more, he doesn’t need to catch the night in the dark.
A moment later, Yang Guang suddenly pulled up more than ten meters and stopped firmly in the middle school.
"Hehe, did you ever miss flying so much?" Yang Guangxiao smiled and said to himself
Humans are definitely the most eager to fly, but they can’t get it.
Because of the desire to fly, there was the Goddess Chang’e flying to the moon’s theory, so there was a self-made rocket that would send itself to the sky even at the cost of life
Later, the Zhuhuanlou landlord "The Swordsman of Shushan" became famous for a while.
Because those who cultivate immortals inside can fly with swords.
When Yang Guang was born again, he saw those things from the news, knowing that Wu Zongke could fly, and he also fantasized about when he could fly.
I didn’t expect to come so quickly.
Even flying from China to countries across the Pacific Ocean is ok.
This was unimaginable in previous lives.
This is not by plane, but by its own strength.
"Hoo hoo!" Yang guang’s heart moved for a second and flew in the left direction, but because Yang guang didn’t control his speed, the speed was too fast, and the instant sonic boom poured into his ears, which was a bit deafening.
But Yang Guang is more happy instead.
"Haha, this feels like a thief!"
Yang Guang flew directly to a place thousands of meters away and met an owl foraging at night on the way.